Women’s Health’s Physiotherapy

It is very common to experience dysfunction in the muscles surrounding the pelvis and spine. These muscles work together to control continence, maintain a support system to your internal organs and ensure a healthy functional spine. Our specialist physiotherapists can use advanced techniques to assess the muscles within the body and diagnose imbalances that lead to pelvic issues. These issues can include, pain in and around the pelvis, issue with continence, a feeling of heaviness in the pelvis which can indicate organ prolapse and sexual dysfunction.

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    It is very common for women to experience musculoskeletal problems as a result of pregnancy. The mother’s body goes through many changes, which can lead to pelvic muscular changes, resulting in low back and hip pain. The pelvic floor muscles often become dysfunctional, leading to stress incontinence. The situation does not always get better when your bundle of joy is born, as nursing a baby will often result in upper back and neck pain.

    Real time Ultrasound

    In Physiofocus we have access to a real time ultrasound machine, which we use to examine the pelvic muscles in order to assess how well they are functioning. This combined with other assessment tools, allows us to do in depth assesment, making us one of only a few clinics in Singapore able to specialise in this area.

    We Specialize in the treatment of:

    - Pregnancy and post-pregnancy back pain.
    - Stress incontinence.
    - Osteoporosis prevention and treatment.

    Treatment is based on the results of a thorough assessment of the problem, which may include

    - Pelvic floor retraining exercises
    - Core stability retraining exercises
    - Back and neck care advice or treatment
    - Ergonomic advice for lifting, carrying, feeding and caring for the infant and toddler
    - Return to fitness advice and exercise programmes
    - Bone density improvement exercises

    Need Help? Contact Us Today

    If you would like to book an appointment or have any questions, please feel free to reach out!

    Telephone: +65-6734-8151 

    WhatsApp: +65 9168 5539

    Email: admin@physiofocus.com.sg